Luxador Angled Rootpicker BADER®️ DENTAL


Get a healthier smile with the Luxador Angled Rootpicker from BADER DENTAL! Designed to reach difficult areas of the mouth and remove debris, order now and start taking care of your dental health.

SKU: 10/024


Luxator Angled Rootpicker BADER DENTAL

If you are looking for a high quality dental care product, the Luxador Angled Rootpicker from BADER DENTAL is an excellent choice. This innovative dental instrument has been created to help reach hard-to-reach areas in the mouth and remove food debris and dental plaque. Here are some of its most outstanding features:

Key angle for greater accuracy

The Angled Rootpicker Luxator features a tactical angle that allows you to reach the roots of teeth with ease and precision. With this luxator, you can access the most difficult areas of the mouth and remove food debris and plaque more effectively.

Luxador Angleed Rootpicker solid and easy to use design

The Luxador Rootpicker is a compact and easy-to-use tool that will help you take care of your dental health on a daily basis. Its ergonomic design and durable construction ensure a long service life, even with frequent use.

Manufactured with high quality materials

This dental instrument is made of high-quality materials that guarantee reliable performance and a long service life. In addition, its tough construction makes it perfect for continuous use in dental offices.


BADER DENTAL's Luxador Angled Rootpicker is a versatile tool that can be used by anyone looking for an effective solution for daily dental care. Its sturdy design and ease of use make it the perfect tool for anyone looking for an effective solution for daily dental care.

if you are looking for an effective dental care solution, BADER DENTAL's Luxador Angled Rootpicker is the perfect choice for you, order now and start enjoying a healthier smile!