Monster puppet BADER®️ DENTAL


Monster Shaped Finger Puppets: An Adventure to get big smiles in your dental practice. 

  • Pack of 24 finger puppets
  • Assorted colors
  • Different characters
  • Silicone material, soft

SKU: 0905228


Monster Shaped Finger Puppets: An Adventure to get big smiles in your dental practice. 

  • Pack of 24 finger puppets
  • Assorted colors
  • Different characters
  • Silicone material, soft

Transform a visit to the dentist into a fun and magical experience with our Monster Finger Puppets. This charming package includes 24 units of monsters of different models, offering a unique opportunity to make every visit to the dental clinic unforgettable for the little ones.

Why are these Finger Puppets the perfect dental office gift?

  1. Creating a Friendly Environment: By introducing these puppets into the dental clinic, you transform the environment, creating a welcoming and friendly space that helps dispel childhood fears associated with dental visits.
  2. Imagination Stimulation: Children love stories and imagination. By providing them with monster puppets, you give them the opportunity to create their own stories and adventures during the dental visit. This creative stimulation not only makes the experience more enjoyable, but also reduces fear of the dentist. 
  3. Emotional Bonding: These puppets are not only toys, they are tools to build emotional bonds with the little patients. By giving them a finger monster, you are showing attention and care, establishing a positive connection that will last in their memory, both for the child and the accompanying adult.
  4. Encouraging Cooperation: Finger puppets can be used as interactive tools during dental treatment. Involving children in the process through games and storytelling makes them feel more cooperative and willing to actively participate in their own oral care.

Give the gift of smiles and unforgettable moments at every visit with our Monster Shaped Finger Puppets. Making dental care fun and positive from the start.